Strapping and Sealing Materials


Diversity in strapping types makes it possible to secure heavy products during transport or to bundle or seal them. Strappings are often used in the: Lumber industry, Metal industry, Cardboard industry, Concrete industry and Package forwarding. To secure shipping units, ABM Saudi has various sorts of standard articles in its product range, such as PP strap, PET strap and steel strap. Associated articles such as corner protectors, tensioning equipment, steel sealing equipment, buckles, strap dispensing trolleies/reels, strapping clips etc., are all standard articles.

Polypropylene (PP) strapping is the most common type for securing shipping units. Even though PP strap is produced with economical strapping material, it does not damage the environment. PP strapping is made with no added heavy metals, so burning or sealing PP strap does not harm for health. The most common widths are 13mm, 16mm, 19mm, 25mm and 32mm with a core diameter of 200mm. The breaking strain is defined by the width and thickness of the strap. To achieve extra tension, we have a windlass tensioner in our product range, with which you can achieve maximum breaking strain from your strap.

Strapping and Sealing Materials

You can fasten the PP strap using buckles or seals, and this can be done either semi or fully automatically. For the use of seals, we have the strap steeling tools and tensioners. These tools help to close the seals and cut the PP strap off. The standard sealer is available for just closing the seals. For small use and for starting businesses, we have compiled a starter’s packet that includes a dispensing box with 1,000 meters of PP strap and 1,000 plastic buckles. PP strap applications include:

  • Small boxes
  • Books
  • In dispatch departments and warehouses
  • Versatile to use: with buckles, seals, vibro-tensioner, semi or fully automatic
  • Inexpensive to use: lowest price per meter of all strapping
  • Low UV resistance
  • Low creep resistance
  • Usable at temperatures from -18°C to 50°C
  • Can be printed